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Batsakis v. Demotsis, 226 S.W. 2d 673 (1949

Mussolini tried to invade Greece from Albania in October 1940 but failed, and in February 1941, Greece counter-attacked.  Hitler's Germany invaded Greece in April 1941.  By April 1942, food for Greeks was in scarce supply, and more than 50,000 Greeks eventually died of starvation. The Red Cross evacuated several thousand Greek children to India in the winter of 1941 via Tripoli, Cairo, Aleppo and Baghdad to save them from imminent starvation, and another 25,000 Greeks fled to Middle East or Africa during 1942. By the end of the war, most of the 75,000 Greek Jews were deported to death camps and executed, more than 70,000 other Greeks were executed in Greece, and a million Greeks were left without homes.